Women2Women (W2W) is a program of Empower Peace developed to provide rising young female leaders with the skills needed to succeed in our global community. W2W builds a network of promising young women from around the globe, engages them in the issues that define their lives, and provides them with the tools, relationships and opportunities required to lead.
In 2004, the Democratic National Convention was hosted in Boston, Massachusetts. In an effort to get young people involved in the election process, Empower Peace hosted the Young Women’s Leadership Conference. The goal was to educate women about the election process and to motivate them to actively participate in the election. The turning point for Empower Peace was when Texas Governor Ann Richards took the stage. Using her own experience as a powerful leader, Governor Richards spoke about the important role women play in our society. She described women as the great unifiers and communicators. Empower Peace Founder, Rick Rendon, standing in the back of the room, was inspired by her message and at that moment, The Women2Women International Leadership Program was born. The first Women2Women Leadership Program was launched in 2006. Since then, over 4,300 young women representing more than 90 countries have participated in our program.
Women2Women - Our Story from Empower Peace on Vimeo.
"WE are the civilizers of our communities . . . it is the WOMEN that build the community."
– Governor Ann Richards
Women2Women program strives to empower, engage and elevate girls and women world-wide. To that end, W2W has set five program goals:
Founded in 2003, Empower Peace bridges cultural and communication divide between young people worldwide. With a focus on empowering emerging female leaders from around the world, Empower Peace uses the latest in interactive technologies and intensive leadership training to break down misconceptions and build meaningful relationships and skills. Through a global network of students and schools, Empower Peace is providing the next generation with the opportunities and tools needed to advance mutual respect, understanding, and peace.